Wednesday 26 June 2013

Identity crisis

Contrary to the impression that you currently might get from this here bloggity blog, I have actually been blogging. Yes indeed. I have been blogging over here and also over here.

I've been blogging for my MSc. But in a closed space (only viewable to my tutor). Which was a bit weird.

And right now, my current role has an internal focus and it hasn't really felt appropriate to blog here about much of what I've been doing.

So, for that reason and because I am blogging more in other spaces, I probably need to have a rethink what this particular blog is 'for'.

I'll get back to you.


Unknown said...

I've had a bit of a blogging break myself, purely due to various parts of my life colliding, including geting home form work later than usual, meaning not did I feel disorganised but also was faced with less time. Plus, I got lazy. I could've blogged on the train but I just didn't have the energy. Anyway, my point is that I've been thinking myself just what my blogging actually is and I've concluded that actually it's what you want it be. Bite-size? An image? More involved length? Any or all. Infact there's a blog post right there.

I think what is important is consistency sharing and engaging about topics people relate you to, can relate to, or find of use or interest. So, in short, don't do what we've done and think about it. Make it manageable and interesting.

I'm off to draft and post a blog...

Unknown said...

I am - for the most part - a very selfish blogger. I started this blog in the first place as a way to reflect on my practice. If anyone read it, that was nice, and even nicer if they took the time to comment. But I wasn't too bothered about the conversational potential.

That has changed over time though, and I've generally found comments on my posts to be really useful. So I have to factor that into my thinking.

Unknown said...

Well, actually that's a good point too - I started so that I could essentially improve my knowledge and writing, and learn about the art of blogging as well as the technical skills of constructing a blogging site.

But then I discovered I benefited from and enjoyed what others had to say and not just on my blog in response to what I wrote, but in other settings and platforms too.

I hope you figure it out!